Light vs Darkness
Light is all the things that are beautiful and magical such as love, creativity, happiness, wisdom, vulnerability, truth, joy, acceptance, generosity…
Darkness is all the things that feels uncomfortable, such as fear, angriness, doubt, confusion, lack of clarity, disappointment, guilt…
Guess what?
We all have both! :)
Guess what?
We can decide which one to listen and let ourselves be.
Guess what?
Is it simple and complex, it all starts with saying ‘Pause’.
then, asking yourself the following 3 questions…
Is this what im doing condemning me or elevating me?
Is this what am saying condemning me or elevating me?
Is this person condemning me or elevating me?
Then, what can I do to change this?
Then DO IT, don’t think too much, just DO IT.
Welcome to my world of thought